Thursday, July 30, 2009

Harvey's/News Lounge

Went back to Harvey's last night. I was pretty psyched to see the bar show up in Thrillist even though it means it will soon be overrun with hipsters. In any case, I want them to be successful so I'll deal with whatever crowd comes, attracted by $2 drafts and free parking. We drank way too much, shots of nasty aguardiente because new-guy-friend from the last Harvey's post (he's like a permanent fixture at Harvey's, I think) is Colombian so he inflicted his cultural swill on us.

Met my friend's partner, who I really liked a lot and am glad to welcome to the inner sanctum. Afterwards, we all went to The News Lounge again, where we had some type of carpaccio with avocado and some type of bruschetta with proscuitto appetizers. I would write the exact name of the dishes but The News Lounge stupidly does not post their menus online and I was in no state to remember the names of dishes...or even order, actually, someone else took care of that.

The carpaccio was tasty. (Quality) beef and fish are really almost always tastiest either raw or in a near-raw state. Or smoked. Or marinated like in ceviche. I really dislike cooked salmon but it's my favorite fish for sushi. Chicken is a poor, depressing excuse for a meat, and of course you can't do anything edible raw with it. Pork you can't eat raw, but at least all sorts of yummy things come from pigs, like bacon, proscuitto, jamon serrano, and Cuban Style Roast Pork, which I'm sure they serve in heaven.

I made a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache (modified box cake recipe, NOT from scratch) a couple weeks ago for my coworkers that met with success, so I'm going to attempt a new cake this weekend. This one was suggested and since I am easily influenced by my friends, it's the one.

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