Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Miss Yip Chinese Cafe

Ate here on New Year's Eve, suffering under the miasma of PMS and end-of-year reflections. I should really have picked a better place to get some lunch, considering my mood. We ended up with small, overpriced, underflavored portions. They offered us Snapple when we asked for tea, for crissake.
I mean, my local Canton is a better deal and dining experience, and they don't even have the benefit of hipster decor and bored, handsome, wait staff. Eh. I won't go back there. I'm too broke (even when it's someone else's money) to waste money on mediocre food and dining experiences. Luckily the day was salvaged by my late night ingestion of an entire bottle of sparkling white wine (let's not elevate it by calling it champagne) and twelves grapes at midnight. Twelves wishes, anyone?


  1. Snapple?!?! At least they were honest.. they could have poured it in back and not told you what it was lol.

  2. Believe me, my enlightened taste buds would have known ;)
