Monday, January 11, 2010

DJ Craze @ White Room

The perfect drink schedule for maximum bounce and/or wiggle ability if you're not much of a dancer: pregaming beer at home, overpriced beer in club with subsequent sticker shock, two swallows of Jack in the car with expected gagging/choking, and then three or um, four? beers in the club after you throw caution and your budget to the winds and open a tab. I saw DJ Craze at White Room on Saturday, and learned that I am apparently a huge fan of breakbeats and drum n bass. Who knew?

I had friggin blast (damn you, Jersey Shore, I hear your voices everywhere) and left the place like at 4am. Some random cute hipster guy started to grind up on me and of course I was in heaven. Justin danced with me in that cool, remote way they do nowadays and then just quietly faded in the night. Cute!

Well, I'm supposed to be keeping costs down but it was an expensive night. The cover to get in alone was $15, and the first beer I had, along with Wendy's Jack and Coke, came out to $17. One good way to economize is to go with a very good friend (Wendy) who, out of her appreciative and generous nature repaid me for not bailing on her on one of the coldest nights eva by buying my drinks and sharing her flask. I only paid my cover and then gave Wendy my remaining $5, which barely made a dent in the drink bill I'm sure (shudder!).

When we were driving up to White Room I remembered the scene from Knocked Up where the pregnant chick and her older sister tried to get into the club and the bouncer wouldn't let them in.

Doorman: I know... you're right. I'm so sorry, I fuckin' hate this job. I don't want to be the one to pass judgement, decide who gets in. Shit makes me sick to my stomach, I get the runs from the stress. It's not cause you're not hot, I would love to tap that ass. I would tear that ass up. I can't let you in cause you're old as fuck. For this club, you know, not for the earth.
Debbie: What?
Doorman: You old, she pregnant. Can't have a bunch of old pregnant bitches running around.

Well, Wendy is not pregnant but I'm definitely getting, um, up there in the years. One of these days I fear this is going to happen to me, but until then...I will accompany my much younger friends to the ends of the earth for such a good time. Or, at least, Wendy.

Speaking of Knocked Up, I saw Zack and Miri Make a Porno. Omigod, hilarious! It was so funny I made my friend stop the movie and restart it, halfway through, cause I talk during movies and I was sure I missed some funny lines. I even texted myself some of the best lines for future use. Really, with my annoying habits, it's a wonder I find anyone to spend time with me lol


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. glad you guys had fun!

  3. Man this technology stuff is complicated! I'm reposting the comment to see if Lulu disappears.

    =) It was fun! That was my last big hurrah until we get back from vacation. Any other celebrations should be flask friendly. I still haven't seen that mZack and Miri movie, I'm gonna put myself on the list for it!
