Friday, August 28, 2009

The Center of the Universe

Well, maybe not that, but I do live in a very ideal, central location. Too bad my landlord makes it clear he does NOT want me around. The sprinklers set to go off everyday at 6:30pm (the time I get home) are not very welcoming.

So, yesterday a bunch of us decided to go to Perricone's Marketplace for dinner for their $10 pasta night (every Thursday). When I Google mapped it, I realized it was within walking distance. I live super close to Brickell and Mary Brickell Village (and no, I do NOT live on Brickell...I'm really broke, I don't say that for literary effect) but I never realized it was only a 15 minute walk. So, my friends parked where I live (across the street because I've been asked to NOT park in front of the house) and were baptized by sprinkler juice. Luckily, they are cooler than average people.

We walked over to Perricone's in no time at all. How green and healthy of us!

The place is very pretty. We were seated outside, but they have the outdoor area enclosed in a clear plastic that kept us safely entombed from the humidity and vegetation and keeps in the A/C, so it was very comfortable, temperature-wise. I do like being able to SEE my food, and the twinkly Christmas lights don't do much for that, but I guess it's good if you are trying to look attractive on a date. I wouldn't much enjoy this.

We ordered the Baked Brie en Croute for an appetizer. It was fine (it was one of those nights where everything was fine but nothing stood out) but I preferred the free bruschetta, even though the bread they gave us was not toasted. I'm just not a big fan of sweet food, I think.

Out of all of us, I think my dinner was best. I had the Seafood Linguine and it was good, not too fishy. Two other friends has the Fiocchi Gorgonzola, which had a nice balance between the sharp cheese and sweet pears but the flavor didn't seem complex enough, somehow. Wendy had the Homemade Potato Gnocchi and in the words of Monger, "It is what it is". Gnocchi does not thrill me, though it was very soft, tender gnocchi. With the Quattro formaggi sauce it just was bland, as was the Crab Bisque she had as well. We had to each take two tastes of the soup to even form a judgement, it was just so lacking. Evil G said it tasted like they had squeezed the salt water right out of the crab.

The best part of the night was just realizing how close this area was to home. And of course, good friends.

I watched The Wrestler on DVD last night and it was as heartbreaking and sad as I'd imagined. The style was simple, realistic and eloquent, and Rourke did an thorough job portraying this lonely and broken down character.

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