Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Duffy's Tavern

Some places just hold a special place in your heart, and it's got nothing to do with the quality of the food and drink, the ambiance, the value for your dollar, or anything else you look for in a restaurant or bar.  It's something far more intangible.  It's made up of memories that are like a crazy quilt of impressions and half forgotten moments.  Duffy's Tavern is one of those places.

I went back there after many many moons away with GS, just as an excuse to use up a coupon deal and to score a cheap-ish lunch.  I like bar burgers more than any other burgers.  Usually.  But more on that later.

Duffy's was just as it always is, and always will be - a real BAR bar with a bunch of drunk regulars arguing about every subject under the sun - all the more vehemently for the less actual knowledge they had of said subject.  The same servers as always though, the service seemed a lot better.  The servers were very attentive and friendly but it may have been due to the hour and emptiness of the bar.  Or maybe they were always that nice and I just don't remember.  When we used to go to Duffy's I admit, we used to all get pretty damn wasted.

GS and I  sat at the table that my friends and I used to use when Duffy's was a weekly meet up for us.  I remember arguing my point in any given conversation and pounding my fist on the heavy wooden table for emphasis, often to the point of bruising my hand.  Awwww, just like a regular, *sniff*.

The Amberbock was delicious, sweet nectar - so much better from draft than from the bottle.  Man, we used to put gallons of that stuff away!  This day we just had a pint each, like respectable people.  The food was...meh.  I had sliders that were bland and sweet - sweet not being a flavor I look for in burgers.  Sweet onions, sweet bun - just not very flavorful at all.  GS's burger was not thoroughly cooked and unfortunately he got really freaking sick that night - at one point he was wondering if he was going to have to ask me to take him to the hospital.  I lucked out that the sliders were so thin that they were cooked well done all the way through, not the way I normally like my burgers but a good thing in this instance.  GS survived but was, let's say, clean as a whistle after all was said and done.  Hey, some people pay a lot of money for that very service ;)

They say you can never go back and in many ways this is a good thing.  I had some great times at Duffy's back in the day but it was also the beginning of the end for my marriage.  Getting trashed with your friends while your husband is at home is not a healthy sign for a relationship.  Driving home in that condition was not the brightest decision either.  Still, I remember things - smoking Black and Milds outside the bar, leaning against the brick facade (holding up the building as my former boss used to say), the jukebox that only seemed to play the best bar music EVER, and for the first time in over ten years being with friends rather than my ex.  It was good while it lasted and I'm glad we all survived it.

Sooo in August I'm going camping a couple weeks in West Virginia with GS, before he leaves for another one of his months long adventures.  Real camping, that is, with bears, foxes, bears, and ticks!  And as I mentioned in my previous post I'm actually "training" (I'm nooo athlete) to do a very short duathlon with my amazingly athletic brother in September.  I found this which looks amazing and I hope to convince my friends (and myself) to do it.  Just dooooo it!  And I'm back in school, too!  Wow.  Goals.  I haz thems.

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