Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pizza Rustica and Van Dyke Cafe

What's a late night out on South Beach without a stop to Pizza Rustica? Sucky, that's what. When you are in that semi-tipsy, quasi-queasy state after drinking and walking aimlessly, nothing is better than that pizza. That fat in it is liver repair, according to Allegra's mom. And it's such tasty medicine! I had the tomato basil and my friend had the blue cheese spinach. I don't even like blue cheese and his pizza tasted great; the sharpness of the blue cheese complemented the richness of the spinach. I'm glad to report that my friend passed hurdle number one to friendship with me: he let me eat off his plate. That's a definite deal breaker with me.

Before that, we went to have a couple of drinks at the Van Dyke Cafe. There is a serious dearth of just regular bars to hang out at on Lincoln Road. They are all so damn chichi. We sat there and I mocked the jazz piano band playing. They were so earnest, for goodness sake. And, of course, they were all super suave with the ladies. Because, why else do guys become musicians?

1 comment:

  1. when looking for more to drink and being adventurous, esp. if you like beer or cider... try (i think it is called this) the beer garden. i could be wrong. it advertises on a little sign something about having $4 beers. (lincoln roadish)
