Thursday, January 13, 2011

Robert is Here Fruit Stand and Farm

I romanticize country life, I admit that.  I imagine myself in some self sufficient paradise where the pantry is full of canned produce from my own garden, the laundry is drying on the line outside and chickens and piglets run around in happy, free-range bliss.  I suppose the reality of country life is probably relentless poverty and a crushing work load but hey, it's my fantasy, damn it.  Don't be a buzz kill.

Robert is Here is one of those places that I feel compelled to drag the uninitiated to.  It's far as hell and I suppose anything you find there you can find in a more convenient location but, what's the fun in that?  You can find fresh produce, jarred jellies, jams and preserves, and the most delicious milkshakes in terrific flavors such as key lime and cantalope/chocolate.  There is a small farmyard with real live animals (a weird mix including turtles, geese, ostriches or emus or something, burros or donkeys or something, parrots, chickens, get it) that no doubt eat a hell of a lot better than you and I do.  Hell, there is even a working water pump to play with!

I'm not sure of the sustainability of their products...I suppose I could contact them to ask if their products are produced locally or not, but I'm lazy.  I assume their produce is local and their jarred items are not.  In any case, it's always better to buy from an independent business rather than a chain, and it's always better to buy local food rather than something trucked in.  That would make you a locavore.  Crazy!

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