Tuesday, December 28, 2010

South Florida Boxing

I've fallen off the face of the earth, blog-wise.  It's because of a mix of inertia, ennui, and lack of disposable income.  But, here I go, again!

I've attested to my love of Groupon and Living Social several times already...really, they have some great deals.  I used a Body Shop and American Apparel coupon for my Christmas shopping and even finished up some of the exercise deals I'd gotten, to Skanda Yoga and Dharma Yoga Studio.  I tried out South Florida Boxing with a Groupon as well...and joined the gym.

Let's get this straight, I'm lazy and I hate exercising.  That being said, I know I need to exercise for my health and looks and all that, blah blah blah.  The real impetus for my current push to get fit is that a certain doubting Thomas has stated that I would be unable to hike Machu Picchu cause I'm so out of shape.  Mind you, I have never had any desire to visit Machu Picchu but damn it, NOW I'm going to go to Machu Picchu this year, hike that motherfucker, and send someone a picture of me on top, flipping the bird.

Yeah, I got a lot of hostility going, so joining a boxing gym seems like a good place to work out some of my aggression.  I love yoga, and it's a great workout...if you think it's easy and for pansies, you've never tried a class.  There's more to it than chanting "OM", trust me.  Well, boxing takes a "great workout" to a whole other level.  It's like boot camp, I swear, the last class I took I almost puked in.

The instructor leads you through the kinds of exercises that you could, admittedly, do on your own at home if you had that kind of willpower and drive, but, who does?  Stretches, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, medicine ball, dumbells...then when you're good and exhausted, you get to beat on a bag with gloves on.  It's exhausting, and it's exactly the kind of exercise we all need but secretly hate.  Or maybe that's just me.

It's not cheap, but it's all instructor led exercise, which I require, and I sincerely believe that you shouldn't skimp on your health, exercise, or food.  The owner is a woman, which is pretty cool in its own right, but there is admittedly a bit of a hard sell to join.  I guess that's true of any gym; you always feel like you're selling your soul to the devil when you sign one of those contracts.  Though, if I had sold my soul to the devil I could have all the benefits of exercise without having to break a sweat.

1 comment:

  1. I like your post about "A hungry and low paid public servant goes on a quest for inexpensive yet delicious food stuffs, alcohol, and entertainment."......
    south florida boxing.....thanks nice post..!!!
