Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Old Navy

I admit, I have a bit of an Old Navy addiction though I've managed to tame it lately - mostly because I don't do much shopping.  Well, I shop a bit less, I still shop way too much!

Anyway, I wanted a few things for my adventures in hiking and snow (more to come on that) so I bought some things during the Black Friday madness that befell me (I have a truly embarassing pile of boxes waiting for me at work - at least MOST of them are gifts).  I looked online today and two things I had purchased were on sale, which gives me an emotion that can only be expressed in cat language: I haz the sadz.

I called on a whim (I never do this kind of thing) and explained my predicament to the nice lady on the phone, and she adjusted the price for me!  I know for old hands at this saving money business this is probably no surprise at all, but I've never asked for a sale price adjustment.  She explained that Old Navy has a policy of adjusting the price once on an item, and that you have 14 days from purchase date to do this.  Even online!  I'm sure most companies have a policy like this but it's always good to ch-ch-check it out!  Of course, I ruined whatever savings I received by buying more stuff oO  It's hard, man...their prices are so gooood....I remember writing them an email, back in the day, explaining I was probably one of their best customers lol.  Yes, I really did do that.  I wrote them an Ode to Old Navy.

I told you I was addicted!  And I will be quitting my shopping addiction cold turkey come January...I wonder if there is a twelve step program for that???

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