Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Zen Village

I've had it in the back of my mind to visit Zen Village for a while, but I am a bit shy about doing these things alone.  I have to convince myself that I'm an adult who will never do anything interesting if I don't just, you know, do it.  This past Sunday I bravely set out for their 9am class, Free Basic Meditation for Community.

I had seen pictures of the place online but no photograph can do it justice.  The building is painted a strange green which is at least highly visible.  It has a paved patio surrounding it with a stupa on the property-really elegant and lovely.  But the inside, oh God, is perfect.  I think living in such a beautiful home (because it is a repurposed old Grove house) would make up for a multitude of things, even, for having to live in Miami.  Sky lights, wood paneling, numerous original windows and french doors (even the fasteners seem original), high ceilings, and a spiral staircase to the temple on the second floor.  And, of course, it's decorated with all those gorgeous tapestries and statues and smells like cedar-I honestly could not get over how wonderful this place looks.  Really, I stink at describing things, I just wish I could pile you all in my car and take you over there so you can see it yourself.

Patricia taught the morning meditation (this was my first meditation class ever) and she did a great job with me-because I was the only student there.  I must admit, I felt pretty darn lucky.  We sat for about twenty minutes and when my legs were completely numb and stiff she suggested we do a walking meditation around the stupa, then back to another seated meditation.  She patiently answered all my questions, was funny and warm and real, and was just really great to listen to.  I decided to come back to the noon Buddhist Sunday Service.

I'm so glad I went outside my comfort zone and checked this place out.  Of course, now I want to go to all their classes and move in but, of course, work intrudes on my spiritual growth :P  I'm looking forward to going back, soon and as often as possible.  Come with!

Chinois Chinois

I spied a new Chinese/Japanese restaurant, Chinois Chinois, the last time I got a pizza at Tutto Pizza.  Interesting...more sushi is always a good thing.  Then, by the happiest of coincidences (or maybe it was completely predictable), Voice Deal of the Day offered a coupon for it, which I promptly pounced on.  I went to eat here on the tail end of my last illness; I had a few good days where I at least felt hungry so I thought it was time to venture into real food once more.

The restaurant is lovely, with lots of dark wood and red accents.  There is outdoor seating, tastefully done; I can see this being a good spot to go on a date or for drinks with a small group of friends-even though it is right off of busy Coral Way.  GS and I ate outside because it was only very hot instead of damn hot-it would have been a good idea except I was scratching throughout the meal because I was a meal to a horde of hungry mosquitos.

We had a sushi boat to share.  It came with a portion of seaweed salad in a martini glass that was so pretty (I'm a sucker for good looks), a good selection of rolls (if someone would offer a sushi boat with no California roll I'd be all over that!), sushi and sashimi.  It was more than enough-I even ended up with leftovers though the idea of sushi leftovers frankly scares me a bit.  The waitress was very attentive-or perhaps telepathic-and I wasn't left waiting even a moment for anything.  Though, of course, the restaurant WAS empty.  And, we are old folks who eat dinner out on a Thursday at 6pm.

It's nice having this place so nearby, with plentiful, free parking.  It's much more attractive than Sushi Chef and easier to get to, less crowded, and cheaper than, Mr. Yum.  The restaurant doesn't have an online presence yet (I know, crazy, right???) so if you want take out you'd need to have a menu already or order at the restaurant.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Marhaba Mediterranean Cuisine

I'm crazy.  I think no one who knows me irl would argue with that assertion. For example: one year my birthday fell during a six month flirtation with vegetarianism. Where did I decide to have my birthday dinner with my friends? Shorty's. That's right, while my friends sucked on ribs I had corn and a baked potato.  And I love BBQ.

So Sunday, being Mother's Day, my darling, long suffering brother decide to take the mess of women he is burdened with out to lunch. To Marhaba Mediterranean Cuisine. Now, I suffer from a chronically bad stomach. I actually spent last Sunday in the ER because I had been throwing up all night, and it felt like the witches brew simmering in my tummy was going to explode. I had been coddling myself all week with chicken soup and crackers and still didn't feel right (though, it's been so long since I've felt right I might not recognize it at this point).  So, maybe Mediterranean food is not the wisest choice for someone with a tender stomach.  At least we didn't go to an Indian place.  I ordered grilled chicken breast with fries, the seemingly mildest thing on the menu and the only thing my kid will eat.  But I tasted everything.  It was all delicious, probably more so since it was the only flavorful thing I'd eaten in forever.
My sister-in-law's lamb was wonderful, as was my brother's beef dish, my mom's lentil soup, and all the appetizers they ordered.  Everything was tasty without being at all spicy.  I didn't care for the dessert and for a date juice I ordered-they both seemed faintly perfumed with violets.  It might have been the honey they used?  They have shot glasses of tea (shai, I believe) which were very nice, but the size of the glass was a cruel tease.  The reviews I read online faulted the service but I thought it was fine, though, the restaurant was pretty empty and we were a pretty big party.  The place is attractive and upscale-honestly more expensive than I'd willingly pay for, myself.  $19 for grilled chicken breast is pricey.  They have outdoor seating and apparently offer hookah, and the location (near Sunset Place) is a great place to hang out.  All in all it was a great meal, a nice change from the perpetual sushi (which mom wouldn't eat anyway) and...Happy Mother's Day!
I do have to say that I did get sick that night, but after crying a while and feeling sorry for myself (my son graciously bestowed kisses-because of course children's kisses have miraculous healing properties) I laid in bed and pressed the painful spot and breathed into it (I did learn something in yoga class!).  Then I thought of doing a castor oil pack and it helped a lot more-at least I didn't throw up again and slept all night and woke up feeling  no worse than normal.