Thursday, February 17, 2011


Went to Sublime for an unfashionably early dinner with GS yesterday.  I had pregamed at his house with wine because I'd had a crappy day, one of those days where it seems every asshole in SoFla crosses your path, so by the time we got there I was smiling.  Yes, you can tell I'm tipsy when I smile.

The place is huge and my first thought was, can this place possibly be in the black?  I know it was 6:30pm on a Wednesday but still, I can't imagine that it was fiscally worthwhile opening at all that day.  It's very pretty and elegant in a cold way, or pretentious as GS opined, but the menu is pretty down to earth.  It's vegetarian and touted as natural and organic and all those foodie catch words.  Everything on the menu appeared recognizable and edible but maybe a bit too safe and boring?  The menu also seemed extremely limited for a restaurant of that size; it was more of a bistro type menu where you'd assume they'd  change out dishes regularly.  I imagine Sublime doesn't do that.

The wait staff was extremely attentive and deferential which is, I suppose, better than rude and standoffish but it didn't ring quite true.  I guess I was throw off by the prison tattoos on my server's neck.  I imagine the reason, at least partly so, for the great service was the presence of the owner haunting the restaurant.  She insisted on speaking to everyone at their tables, which I guess was a nice touch if I didn't freaking hate that kind of shit.  At least I was tipsy enough to not be completely cold and uncomfortable.  She opened up the conversation by welcoming me back.  Umm...I've never been there.  She then asked GS if he had been in recently...umm...negatory.  Seriously, lady, you don't recognize us.  You don't know us.  IT'S OKAY.  Luckily she finally went away.

We both ordered pizzas: GS got a carmelized onion with mushroom and I got a "cheddar", BBQ sauce and onion one.  Yes, I understand I just complained about how dull the menu choices were, and then I went ahead and ordered the safest choice.  Sue me.  My pizza was much better than GS's, which was bland and not nice on the tummy.  I guess vegan food doesn't go down well.  The vegan coconut cake was really good, and I took all the leftovers home because, with the two pizzas, cake, and a couple drinks, the bill came to $56 before tip.  GS paid the remainder after my Groupon took care of $50 off the bill, and left the tip.  He said that he was glad the bill was so low because he would have felt really gypped paying full price for the meal...I did remind me that I paid $25 for that $50 Groupon, so the bill was actually around $31 before tip...reasonable but not a huge bargain.  I guess the meal was worth that much but not more.  I'm glad I went there because I had been wanting to for close to a year, but I'm also very glad that I/we didn't pay full price.

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