Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lifefood Gourmet

One great thing about not living in the boondocks (like Kendall or Westchester, otherwise known as Suburbia) is that you are within walking distance of at least some shops and restaurants. It's green, it's healthy, and I really just like taking a walk. Went to Lifefood Gourmet with JC for lunch yesterday. I led us on a zigzag path through the back streets of the Silver Bluff admire the homes and extend the walk, and also because I got a wee bit lost.  Only I can get lost 6 blocks from my apartment.  The first thing we noticed in the restaurant was the smell: I hated it, and he loved it. I guess all vegetarian places smell alike, like curry; the place smelled just like Om Garden, but that was all they had in common. Om Garden is all crunchy granola hippie (I don't think they even air condition the place) while Lifefood Gourmet is a bit more fancy pants.

I had the Nori Roll and JC had the Save the Seas sandwich. I was disappointed that they didn't have the mock tuna listed in the menu in his sandwich (the waitress, who patiently answered my multiple questions, said they don't make it anymore).  I was curious to see what sorry, bastardized mockery of fish those nutty vegetarians would come up with. My lunch was, I think, better than his. He basically had a very pretty vegetable sandwich while my roll had a little more going on with its yummers Thai Ginger dressing. The presentation was lovely (I had to send a picture to Allegra, Evil G, and Lydia) but that's to be expected; what else do hippies have but time?  Lifefood Gourmet is organic, raw, and vegetarian. If that's what you are looking for in a meal, it's a good choice. It's a bit pricey for lunch (both our meals were $40 with tip) but for a special treat it's a good idea. I won't be in a huge hurry to go back, but, I did save on gas!

At night I invited myself over to Lydia and Monger's place for delicious homemade vegetarian lasagna.  It was Lydia's first try and it was awesome!  We saw some comedy thingies, the best by far being Louis CK.  That is some funny shit, especially if you're a can totally relate.

Had a unreal day Thursday at work (I was all alone for several hours, for starters) so I decided to treat myself to lunch at this hoity toity Asian restaurant across the street, Origin Asian Bistro & Sushi.  Yes, another treat, yes, another overpriced lunch.  I just can't make my tummy behave!

I had their Spicy Tuna Tartar and a JB roll.  Twenty dollars later, I was left full but unimpressed.  The tuna tartar now ranks number one for the worst I've had.  It was just avocado, tuna, and some spicy mayo, stirred together...the chef thought I wouldn't notice he snuck the browning avocado in there, but I did, oh, I did.  It wasn't awful, but it was a dish made without love.  The JB roll was actually pretty good.  It seemed to have a pearl sushi rice in it, if that exists; the grains were tiny, and it gave the rolls a very pretty and elegant translucence.  For some reason, the soy sauce seemed the saltiest I've ever had.  I had to dip just the tiniest corner of the roll in it or it was mouth puckering. 

I have a theory that the restaurants on Key Biscayne tend to not be all that great since they don't really have to be; people would rather stay on the Key for their meals and take advantage of the fact that you can reach everything on foot.  There isn't really any competition.  I overheard some patrons here talking about the place, and saying that the service sucks lately...anyway, the temptation to go back anytime soon is not great. six days I'm going to Paris and Amsterdam!  With Wendy, and Mata, and two of Mata's friends...I will have so much to write about!

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