Monday, May 6, 2013


If you have a kid like mine who is crazy for all things Lego, you must check out their company page for free events.  I took my son to a free Lego Star Wars building event at Toys R Us on Saturday and my son got to build a Starfighter that he was allowed to keep.  I assumed the event would be packed with people fighting and clawing their way to the front, trampling small children, all in the name of a few free pieces of plastic, but it was remarkably controlled and calm - we didn't have to wait at all.

That took him all of five minutes (he's a Lego pro) and we then trotted over to Tate's Comics for the Free Comic Book event on May the Fourth be with you.  I've always wanted to take my son there, and many many others had the same idea because the place was packed with lots of sweaty people with remarkable patience.  They were in their element, no doubt.  We got seven free comic books, eventually, and headed home.

The deal I make with my son is that he is not allowed to ask for anything on days we set out to be spend-free days. He's pretty good about it, and even finds events on his own for us to go to.  My little cheapskate mini-me.  He also does sweepstakes with me, but he has yet to fully understand the concept of "many will enter, few will win".