Saturday, October 17, 2009

Farm Fresh Miami

Local, organic produce. The words send virtuous shivers through me. I joined Farm Fresh Miami, an organic buying group, just this week and will receive my first share next Thursday. It's like a Christmas present! Well, one that I bought myself. Yet, still a surprise! You get what's available, what's in's a surpresent! Trying to do the right thing, both health-wise and environmentally, seems like a herculean goal. Baby steps!

What's better than eating something super yummy? Introducing a super yummy food to someone who's never had it! Went with GS to eat ceviche at El Rincon de Chabuca (though like I've said, any of a number of inexpensive Peruvian places on the beach would have done as well), and...he liked it! They did the plate up fancy shmancy, which I don't care for. The ceviche marinade was orange (sour orange juice, perhaps?) which I haven't seen before but it was still tasty. He liked it!

Went to Zoo Bar a couple weeks ago to hear some Irish punk band or something, which was a total bust. The band had canceled and the place was dead. On the positive note, the bartender and my friend got along famously, I got some insight into the male psyche, and we got to watch Coraline in 3D when the bartender put it on. Showing remarkably good taste, the bartender kept on flirting with me. Even though Shawn at Harvey's is my favorite, he has that whole engaged issue that keeps him so dreadfully well behaved.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Om Garden and Tap Tap

Met up with Lydia for a healthy lunch at Om Garden. This little hippie joint is so un-Miami. Except for the prices, that is.

I had the Venus Pizza and a lemonade, and Lydia had the Good Karma black bean burger. My pizza tasted fine, but we felt that the burger lacked flavor. I did notice the table didn't even have salt and pepper shakers. The standout flavor was Lydia's side of guacamole that she picked at, torn between her food allergies and the tasty avocado and cilantro. We also shared a raw Tiramisu that had the texture of fudge. It was good but too dense; to call it tiramisu seemed wishful thinking. Raw foods often seem to be just approximations of real food anyway. I always figured, if you are going to embrace some restrictive diet, for whatever reason, why try so hard to replicate the foods you are trying to avoid? You end up with pitiful attempts like veggie bacon. Anyway, my portion of the bill for lunch was about $23, too pricey for everyday.

That evening some of my coworkers took me out to Tap Tap Haitian Restaurant to celebrate (mourn) my job transfer. We enjoyed the tail end of Happy Hour, with two for one specialty drinks, and picked among several plates. The best plate was the simplest, the Grilled Chicken plate (Poul Boukanen). Natural and Free Range, to assuage some of that carnivore's guilt. We cleaned out the watercress sauce ramekins, using it on the salad, the bread, the fritters...everything. They graciously treated me to dinner, saving me from completely blowing my eating out budget for the month. I'll miss you guys!